Here are nine tips on how to get your company back on track!
1. Be willing to let go of the way things are now- Be prepared to move away from the present and put all of your focus on the future and how you plan to get where you want to go.
2. Gauge your attention span- If you know you have a short attention span, appoint a co-leader in the project to help you stay focused. Once you have made a new plan for your company, stay focused on that.
3. Share ownership in the change- Everyone wants a part in helping your company get back on track. Make sure to give people credit for helping out and recognize the ones who are helping implement the new program. It take more than one person to turn around a company.
4. Accept the mess- Making a complete change to a company is not going to be easy. There will be times where things don't go as planned and things don't shape out the way you'd like them to. This is okay. You just have to accept that it isn't going to be a perfect road and keep your focus on the ideal end result.
5. Champion your champions- There are several people who don't like change. When you are trying to change your company there will be people against the change and there will be people ready for change. You need to shine a light on the ones who are ready to accept change so they can help the ones who are against change see the potential of a new program.
6. Encourage people to speak their minds- When thinking of a way to reboot your business, you need to have everyone's opinion. This will open your eyes as a manager to see how everyone else in the company feels about the issue. Make an environment to where your workers are at ease coming to you with ideas or complaints.
7. Match your behaviors to the new vision- Walk the talk. This basically means that if you implement a plan, your actions need to be parallel with that plan. Having a manager who implements one thing and acts differently is a sign to employees that they dont have to follow code either.
8. Manage your inner control freak- As a manager you may find the need to tell everyone what to do and when to do it. There is no need for that. You know what the big picture is, so just make sure that your employees are making progress to get to the end result.
9. Plan B: Forget about it- There is no plan B. When you implement a program to change or reboot your company you need to stick to it. Be commited to your plan and you will reach your goal.
**Just to let everyone know, I will update the homework portion of my blog every Friday**
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